Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nuclear Deal

Please post your views on the Nuclear Deal. Should the Nuclear Deal take place as agreed between India and the United States? What is the role of the left in the nuclear deal. The left has already withdrawn its support from the deal yesterday... what should India do now... Should it go ahead and sign the Nuclear Deal or should it look for other alternatives. You can also post your views on the advantages as well as the disadvantages of this deal.


Anonymous said...

As reagrds India's growing energy needs, going ahead with the nuclear deal would be a reasonalbe step on the part of India. But as reagrds some technicalities, once you put your nuclear reactors under the IAEA safegaurds you may lose your freedom to develop and manufactor a nuclear deterrent! Taken in to consideration the geostrategy in South Asia, going ahead with the nuclear deal we should not be compromising our freedom and security.

Suhrud Javadekar said...

I think the nuclear deal is in India's interest and India must go ahead with it...I don't agree with the Left's pathological animosity with the US...

smartgal said...

India is a energy starved country, with electricity being a prime need for the development of the country. Use of Uranium for our energy needs may be a viable option. The nuclear deal does seem to be feasible. The left opposition to the deal just because USA is involved is bizzare, it makes u wonder if they would still be opposed to the deal if we were signing it with China. The left does have a point of the entire text of the deal has not been shown to them. The government should have formed a committee with members across party lines, to study the deal and future rummafications if any. On a different note india may have to think carefully before setting up a nuclear power plants, given our population. The calamity at chernobyl should not be forgotten. India could consider of tapping duel use technology.