Friday, April 24, 2009

We, The people ...

I've been planning to write this blog for ages... just never found time. Haah... a friday afternoon and 4.00pm it is. Best time to write one :).

Neways, if you think this blog is about democracy or the Indian constitution, read no further. If you couldn't relate the title of the blog with the term Indian constitution... read this :).

I've met some absolutely amazing people so far. From over-enthusiastic to simply dull and boring. From absolute geeks and nerds to the not-so-bright-but-very-very-hardworking. From rib-ticklingly funny to genuinely irritating. There is a saying in Marathi "Vyakti titkya Prakruti" which loosely translates to each one has a different personality. I want to write a series of blogs on these people. Maybe one blog per 'type' of people. Lets see how far I go.

Obviously I won't give out any names... and will try to be politically correct (and therefore less interesting?) :).

There's this class of people who are "Omniscient". (Now that you are back after reading what omniscient means...) This class of people is simply amazing in the amount of knowledge that they posses. You talk about technology, they know all about it; you talk politics, they know everything; you talk films and entertainment, they know it. I wonder where and how did these guys gain this much knowledge. I never see them reading :).

There's this typical situation when these guys simply excel in. There are a bunch of people discussing some topic. You *think* that you know more than most people and start leading the discussion. This omniscient guy is all quiet simply taking in whatever is happening around. You thin you have a brilliant suggestion or a path-breaking idea. You put in all your efforts explaining it. You go to great depths trying to prove how your idea is good, how it beats existing ones and how you have *almost* all the facts necessary to prove it. And just when you feel your point has been driven home, this guy will simply put forth a couple of questions to which you will have no answer. You fight, fight really hard in trying to gain the upper hand. But a few thoughts later, you realize that there's something missing. This guy will then simply run over everything that you said. Without being too offensive, he'll prove that your suggestions were 'kinda crap' :). There will be a new idea that he will put forth and this one would seem nothing short of sensational :). Everything just falls into place. His idea is brilliant and there are just no shortcomings. You're left wondering how will you ever be that good!!

If this hasn't happened to you you're really missing something :). That feeling of being almost there but not quite. That definite urge to go that extra mile in your research. And also that big realization to be good listener.
